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Exerciţiu de ritm & fun: AC/DC – Thunderstruck

Exerciţiu de ritm & fun: AC/DC – Thunderstruck

Dacă tot a fost concertul AC/DC, zic să-l celebrăm cu prezentarea unui exerciţiu numai bun de încălzire, dar şi de fun pe care îl practic tot mai des cu elevii mei în ultima vreme. Este vorba despre un fragment din piesa “Thunderstruck”, compusă de Angus şi Malcolm Young, pe care vei avea ocazia să-ţi exersezi tehnicile de hammer on, pull off  şi totodată acurateţea cu care simţi ritmul.

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Written by Alec

Chitarist, compozitor, profesor de chitara, vizionar. Dependent de muzica.

5 Comment responses

  1. Avatar
    June 29, 2010

    For how long have you been playing guitar? I myself have just played the guitar for four months and it is very painful for my fingers, they’re getting better though.

  2. Avatar
    June 29, 2010

    @jamplay You will get use to the pain in time. I play the guitar for 1 year and i recommend you to learn on a acoustic guitar because when you know to play the acoustic guitar it’s very easy to play the others.

  3. Avatar
    June 29, 2010

    @ Jamplay maybe you’ve been practicing for four months, but you should do it more often – dedicate at least 20-30 minutes a day to your guitar – if you can’t make that hours :)

    The more you play, the faster the skin on your fingers will toughen up and there will be no more pain. Good luck & inspiration!

    @ Stefan – well said!
